Do You Know Who He Is?
I talked to a man the other day.
He asked me why Jesus was white.
How can God claim to be all love
When He is demanding His right?
Then I asked him,
“Do you know who He is?
Do you really know who He is?”
I walked into church last Sunday.
They were portraying the Christ
As frail insecure and powerless.
Couldn’t even save His own life.
Then I asked them,
“Do you know who He is?
Do you really know who He is?”
It takes a closer look to see
He is more than you believed.
So leave your notions, ask some questions,
Search for Him so that you can know.
You can know…
Do you know?
Do you know who He is?
Do you really know who He is?
Lyrics & music copyright © 2005 Katie Nelson.