
How great is the grace of God
So great indeed.
He makes it abound some more
To meet my deepest need.

Grace covers all my sin
Deep within all my sin
Grace is the greatest gift
My heart will ever know.

The Lord gives enough of His grace
For me to live each day.
To love, to serve, to give my life
In every single way.

Grace covers all my sin
Deep within all my sin
Grace is the greatest gift
My heart will ever know.

The more I know of His great grace
The more I want to be
All falling in His embrace
His wonderful face to see.

Grace covers all my sin
Deep within all my sin
Grace is the greatest gift
My heart will ever know.

How great is the grace of God
So great indeed.
He makes it abound some more
To meet my deepest need.

Lyrics & music copyright © Katie Nelson.